Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Photo Essay: 24-Hour Diet

24 Hour Diet Photo Essay:

Afternoon Snack:

To the left is a picture of two Gala apples. I ate them at about 4:03 p.m. I ate them because I like apples and they're good for you. They were just an afternoon snack before dinner.

Fish Tacos 7:20 p.m.


 To the right is a picture of two fish tacos. I had them for dinner at around 7:20 p.m. The fish tacos had cabbage, salsa, guacamole, Halibut fish, cheese on a corn shell. I chose to eat this for dinner because that's want my mom decided to make.

Pancakes 7:55a.m.
  To the left is a picture of 4 small, miniature  pancakes. I had these for breakfast at about 7:55 a.m. They're the kind you heat up in the oven. I chose to have them since they're soft and easier to chew with braces. Also that they have carbohydrates to help give my some energy.              
Lays Chips 12:20p.m.

   For lunch I had a snack size bag of Lays Classic chips, piece of Pineapple and a piece of Sourdough bread.  I ate lunch at 12:20 p.m. I chose to eat just a piece of bread since I have been having a lot of sandwiches lately and felt like having a piece of bread. I had Pineapple because my mom bought some the other day and I thought it nice to have for lunch. I had Lays chips because I haven't had them in a while and that them have some carbohydrates like the bread to help give me some energy.
Pineapple 12:20p.m.

Sourdough Bread 12:20p.m.

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