Sunday, March 4, 2012

Macro nutrients  
    Above is a graph about Abbey, Rahim, Natalie and my information. As you can see the blue bar represents Abbey's data, the red my data, gold Rahim's data and green Natalie's data. We all calculated the total calories, carbohydrates, fat and protein we had consumed in the past 24 hours. From breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks we calculated that in total we had ate 4170 calories, 382 carbohydrates, 136  fats and 131 proteins. We had eaten things from popcorn, sushi, orange chicken and cereal. From the information above we all consume more calories than anything else, and the least amount of proteins and fats. We made our graph using Google spreadsheet. You can view our different sheets on making the graph by clicking this link: Nutrient Graph. The total calories for Abbey was 945, me 1796 Rahim 402 and Natalie 1028. For carbohydrates Abbey 90, me 119, Rahim 62 and Natalie 111. The fats and proteins were significantly lower at 41, 25, 9 and 61 for fats and 27, 39 ,16 and 49 for proteins.

   On average we should be consuming 2,000 calories a day. The more calories you eat in the morning allow you to have more energy. If you have a large dinner usually you don't go and get active, you'll usually just lie down and watch TV hence why you gain weight. So in theory if you have a light, filling dinner such as salad then you won't have to worry. Carbohydrates are a biological compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that is an important source of food and energy. If you eat 2000 calories a day you should take in about 250 grams of carbohydrates. As you can see in the data above we only have 90, 119, 62 and 111 grams of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are in rice, tacos, potato chips, pizza, cakes, and any foods containing corn syrup. The rest of the foods we eat are carbohydrates fruits, vegetables, grains and most plant foods. The four of us should be taking in about twice the amount of carbohydrates that we do now. The USDA suggests that about 30 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake should come from fat and about 15 to 20 percent from protein. For a 2000 calorie per day diet, that equals 67 grams fat and 75 grams protein per day. Obviously we aren't absorbing enough fats with only 41, 25, 9 and 61 grams of fats. As well as proteins we only have 27, 39,16 and 49 grams. Sources of protein are in meats, seafood, eggs, nuts and dairy products. Overall Rahim should probably make the most change out of the four of us and eat more. As long as you balance your nutritional values and exercise you can abstain a healthy weight. 
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1 comment:

  1. I like what you wrote about eating the right types of food at the right time of day. I think many adults don't have that figured out yet.
