Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Hunger Games 19 - 21

Discussion Option
Use these prompts to inspire your response: W
hat do you think is going to happen to (character) in the future? Make predictions.
Since the new rule change Katniss and Peeta had teamed up. Peeta had been severely injured and was incapable to walk. Katniss nurtured him with medicine for his burns, stings and fever. Although Peeta leg was sliced by Cato, Katniss didn't have any treatment for it. On page 273 Claudius Templesmith had invited the remained 6 tributes to a feast. "Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you need something desperately." Katniss needed something to heal Peeta's leg. Soon Katniss arrived at the cornucopia at dawn. Foxface immediently grab her backpack and ran. The other tributes were surprised. Katniss knew she had to get her backpack next before her's was taken. As Katniss ran for her bag she got a knife thrown at her forehead and Clove slammed right into her, knocking her down. Quickly Thresh threw Clove off of Katniss and killed Clove. After Katniss explained she helped Rue he let her go. She ran back to the cave were Peeta was and feel asleep.

Now there were only 5 tributes left: Katniss, Peeta, Cato, Foxface and Thresh. District 12 was now the only district which could have both tributes win. With Peeta and Katniss on the same side there were only 3 other tributes. After Thresh ran off with Cato's districts backpack, I think that Cato will go after Thresh. Therefore  Thresh has two backpacks filled with the stuff he needs plus whatever Thresh needed. District 12 only had a tiny orange backpack. My hand slips between the straps and I yank it up on my arm, it's really too small to fit on any other part of my anatomy.. It was obviously to small to have a prolific amount of supplies and Foxface was already far gone. Since Katniss destroyed the career's food pyramid, that was what Cato and Clove needed desperately.

I think that Cato will chase after Thresh for supplies. Since Foxface is quick and think fast, she'll probably be there when Cato and Thresh fight each other and pick the other one of. Now Katniss had a new teammate and was able to get treatment for him. The capital crowd seemed like the were always in favor of seeing District 12 win. Every since there outfits on fire, being called the star-crossed lovers and the new rule change I think that Katniss and Peeta have a high chance of winning the Hunger Games.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you put examples from the book in your blog. Also how you say who you thin is going to win.Also when you said how Cato and Clove needed the food pyramid despertly because I think that they need it badly because like what katniss said that they dont know what hungry is Good Job
