Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Hunger Games 22 - 24

Discussion Option
Use these prompts to inspire your response:
  What does the author do an excellent job of? Why? What quotes demonstrate this? 
In chapters 22 - 24 Peeta's leg had improve tremendously and was able to walk on it now. Him and Katniss struggled to get food during the rain storms but eventually the rain let out and they were able to go hunt. While they traveled back to where Katniss and Rue camped out Peeta made a lot of noise, scaring away all the animals. Katniss decided to split up and go hunt while Peeta gathered some berries and other plants. When Katniss came back Peeta was gone. Immediently Katniss shouted his naming fearing that Cato had got him but instead he went by the river and picked some berries. Unknowingly they were poisonous and Foxface took some of them not knowing either. After see ate a few she died and the cannon fired a shot. Peeta assumed Cato had killed Foxface until Katniss explained to him that those berries were poisonous. Afterwards they now had a good supply of food and headed back to the cave. Towards the end of chapter 24 all the water in the ponds had dried up beside the lake. Peeta and Katniss needed water so they headed towards the lake. Once they got there, they walked around to make sure Cato wasn't there yet. Abruptly Cato came charging at the two of them but not to attack them. Behind him was multiple creatures that were unleashed upon the arena. 
In the Hunger Games I think the author does a great job at of getting readers to become avid and continue to read on. Multiple times Suzanne Collins has ended a chapter with a cliff hanger. At the end of chapter 24 the last paragraphs say,"Just in time, too, because Cato is upon us. I brace myself, but he rockets right between us with no attempt to check his speed. I can tell from his panting, the sweat pouring off his purplish face, that he's been running a long time. Not toward us. From something. But what? My eyes scan the woods just in time to see the first creature leap onto the plain. As I'm turning away, I see another half dozen join it. Then I am stumbling blindly after Cato with no thought of anything but to save myself." (Page 330) Again in chapter 21 on page 289,"My hands go to my head and I drop to my lap, slick with blood. The last thing I remember is an exquisitely beautiful green-and-silver moth landing on the curve of my wrist."

Personally I think she does a good job at making the Hunger Games interesting enough that you don't want to stop reading. Although some parts are extremely predictable overall it's fun to read. At the end of chapter 24 when Katniss just took off running I noticed that the author added in "with no other thought of anything but to save myself" that Katniss in a way forgot about Peeta and since his leg was injured, not being able to run away quick enough.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. isn't it funny how Fox Face died because i would have never thought that she would die from eating poisoned berries and I never would have thought that she would be killed by Peeta because he's Peeta haha. I myself can not wait ti;; the movie comes out to see if there would be any changes but i would really like it if it was exactly the same as the book.

    1. Amanda, I think you did an excellent job on your blog post. I enjoyed how you made a summery about the chapters that you read. I agree with you. A lot of parts are definitely inevitable. And the author does do an excellent job of keeping suspense.
