Friday, March 30, 2012


 What facet of Islam did you represent?
Jihad, I presented it with Rahim, Martin and Sam. 

What are some concepts that you learned? First of all I learned what Jihad meant. Jihad represents that Muslims should fulfill Jihad with their heart and hands. Hands for good works and correcting wrongs and their heart for their struggles to resist evil. Jihad is the the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin. As well as Muslims shall obey their parents, give up bad habits and focus on education. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Photo Essay: 24-Hour Diet

24 Hour Diet Photo Essay:

Afternoon Snack:

To the left is a picture of two Gala apples. I ate them at about 4:03 p.m. I ate them because I like apples and they're good for you. They were just an afternoon snack before dinner.

Fish Tacos 7:20 p.m.


 To the right is a picture of two fish tacos. I had them for dinner at around 7:20 p.m. The fish tacos had cabbage, salsa, guacamole, Halibut fish, cheese on a corn shell. I chose to eat this for dinner because that's want my mom decided to make.

Pancakes 7:55a.m.
  To the left is a picture of 4 small, miniature  pancakes. I had these for breakfast at about 7:55 a.m. They're the kind you heat up in the oven. I chose to have them since they're soft and easier to chew with braces. Also that they have carbohydrates to help give my some energy.              
Lays Chips 12:20p.m.

   For lunch I had a snack size bag of Lays Classic chips, piece of Pineapple and a piece of Sourdough bread.  I ate lunch at 12:20 p.m. I chose to eat just a piece of bread since I have been having a lot of sandwiches lately and felt like having a piece of bread. I had Pineapple because my mom bought some the other day and I thought it nice to have for lunch. I had Lays chips because I haven't had them in a while and that them have some carbohydrates like the bread to help give me some energy.
Pineapple 12:20p.m.

Sourdough Bread 12:20p.m.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Hunger Games Movie Review

The Hunger Games Movie vs. Book 
    In my opinion the Hunger Games book was ten times better than the movie. If you had not read the book then the movie would seem "good", although if you had read the books, obviously the two didn't follow. Compared to the book, the movie was a huge disappointment. From leaving out little details to excluding characters, scenes and dialog, it'll  make you cringe. Personally I expected more out of the movie and looked forward to seeing some parts that were left out.

   From the beginning I felt that the Hunger Games movie was rushed and didn't give you the chance to think about it. In the book it describes District 12 filled with coal miners, black cinder streets and squat gray houses. (page 4) In the movie it seemed more like District 12 was were homeless people would go. As well as how the movie began. In the beginning of the movie they jumped to an interview between one one the game makers, while the book begins with Katniss walking up describing how Prim's cat is the world's ugliest cat. From leaving out the scene were "Haymitch ... appears hollering something unintelligible, staggers onto the stage and falls into the third chair." (page 19) to where Prim's name was called from the reaping, leaving Haymitch out when he said,"Look at her. Look at thus one..."(page 24) 

    In the book they waited until the middle of the movie to mention the flashback when Peeta gave Katniss some burnt bread. On page 30 it was mention right after Peeta's name was drawn for the reaping. Originally Madge visited Katniss and gave her a mocking jay pin.(page 38) Although, in the movie Katniss got it in the Hob, gave it to Prim for luck, in return after Katniss volunteered, Prim gave it back to her. Then again during the last visit before Katniss went to the Capital Gale visited her. "I won't! You know I won't! Katniss remember I --" Gale says, and they yank us apart and slam the door and I'll never know what it was he wanted me to remember.(page 40) But again in the movie they left that part out.

 In chapters 9-10 was when the 24 tributes had their own interview with Caesar. The book made it seem like all 24 tributes were on the stage but when it was their turn they would go up to the chair next to Caesar. When Peeta admitted he had a crush on Katniss the book described, I allow my eyes to flicker up to the screen long enough to see that the blush on my cheeks is unmistakable...I have to raise my head out of the require respect and cannot avoid seeing that every screen is now dominated by a shot of Peeta and me.. However in the movie Katniss was back stage and you didn't get to see that. Just simply things such as when Katniss and Peeta are in the elevator alone and she pushed Peeta into an urn with flowers that cut his hands, while in the movie she still shoved Peeta but it was in hall with Haymitch, Effie and Cinna really leave out expected scenes. After the Hunger Games began Katniss ran to an orange backpack. At that point a boy was there and coughed blood up on her. The movie just showed Katniss running into the boy but nothing about coughing up blood.

As well as some of the characters behaviors. Haymitch appears as if he would always be holding some kind of alcohol and calling Katniss 'Sweetheart' all the time after reading the book but it was almost the opposite in the movie. The way the book described him as being grumpy, mean spirited and rude, when the movie made him seem just unhappy at the beginning but then pretty much no strong emotions for the rest of the movie. Just like Cinna. Katniss expressed the she felt normal being with Cinna because of the way he didn't have as odd of outfits like the rest of the Capital  and became her friend. Where Cinna gave her the pin back saying she left it on the train and events like the closeness between the two of them. 
Throughout the whole movie huge parts were left out. The Avox girl was never mention, the scene with Rue was rushed to quickly, where Thresh smashed Clove with the stone, the closeness between Katniss and Peeta and the way the movie was ended. In several occasions the book interjected this Avox girl, that Katniss once before had seen her while she was hunting in the woods with Gale. From when she had first got to the Capital to when she got back she saw the Avox girl. Ever since Katniss and Rue made an alliance they shared supply such as burn treatment, leaves to heal stings, sleeping bag and food, the book really implement this, were as the movie rushed through it. One second Rue and Katniss are meeting each other the next Rue dies. The book had multiple scenes with the two of them while the movie showed them meeting and destroying the food source of the careers and then when Rue died. I think it would had been better if more time was spent on showing how the two of them became close. In chapter 21 Katniss went back to the cornucopia to get medicine for Peeta's leg when Clove knocked her down. ...some great force yanks Clove from my body and then she's screaming...Clove is dangling a foot off the ground imprisoned in Thresh's arms...Thresh brings the rock down hard against Clove's temple. None of that was seen in the movie. To the part where Katniss and Peeta followed up on their reputation that they were the 'Star Crossed Lovers from District 12'. Suzanne Collins wrote it as the two of them became very close, especially in the cave. After the two of them could both win the games and made an alliance they were always kissing each other and such. Although in the movie maybe once they did but otherwise they just seemed like they were good friends. Once the two of them won the games they had the interview with Caesar again but they did it together. In the book Caesar says,"Oh, go ahead and curl up next to him if you want. It looked very sweet." It insisted that the two of them did really love each other but the movie overlooked it and barely had anything   about it. As the book was about to end and they were on their way home they got off the train and took a quick walk. That's when Peeta realized Katniss didn't truly love him and it was just a strategy set up with Haymitch and her. The movie never mentioned such. 

Honestly I enjoyed the Hunger Games book over the movie. The movie left out what I think were some of the most important parts. Although I know if they added every little detail it would be a four hour movie, I still would had appreciated if they slowed it down instead of rushing through the movie. What I think the best thing about the book was being able to understand Katniss thoughts and how she felt, in the movie there was nothing about that. I know it's hard  to make a good movie adding in everyone's thoughts, that it is a lot easier to do in a book, but I think it would have enhanced the overall movie. Still the movie was fun to see how they would do certain parts such as when Peeta and Katniss were going to be on fire. The movie was a disappointment but hopefully if they make a movie about Catching Fire it will be similar to the book. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Hunger Games 25 - 27

Quote Option
Choose a quote from the book, write it at the top of your entry and then write about:
 Commentary on important decisions made by characters, ideas expressed, or key events. 
The Hunger Games have now ended. Peeta and Katniss were successful in killing Cato and thought now that they would both be crowned the winners until Claudius Templesmith’s voice announced, "Greetings to the final contestants of the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games. The earlier revision has been revoked. Closer examination of the rule book has disclosed that only one winner many be allowed. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor." (Page 342) They couldn't decided who should go home. Peeta wanted Katniss to just end his life now before the game makers would unleash more creatures upon the arena. Although Katniss could not bear doing so and remembered the poisonous berries that they saved in the pack. She held them out to Peeta and on the count of three they were going to eat them. One. Maybe I'm wrong. Two. Maybe they don't care if we both die. Three! It's too late to change my mind. I lift my head to my mouth, taking one last look at the world. The berries have just passed my lips when the trumpets begin to blare. The frantic voice of Claudius Templesmith shouts above them. "Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen, I m pleased to present the victors of the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark! I give you -- the tributes of District Twelve!" (Page 345) Despite Peeta losing his leg, Katniss and him had won the Hunger Games. 
During the Hunger Games Haymitch strongly suggested that they both followed on the Star Crossed Lovers from District 12. By doing so both Katniss and Peeta were able to survive and win the games. It was already obvious to Haymitch and the whole audience that Peeta was truly in love with Katniss. When the new rule change was announced in chapter 18, everyone could infer that Katniss cared about him when she immediately shouted his name and went looking for him. During the interview following the Hunger Games on page 368 Caesar asked Katniss, "When did you realize you were in love with him?  She replied, "That's a hard one..." When Caesar stepped in and mention when she shouted for him after the new rule change. By now it seemed like the two of them were actually in love with each other until they boarded the train on page 370 and 371. With the capitol growing farther away every second, I begin to think of home. Of Prim and my mother. Of Gale. I excuse myself to change out of my dress and into a plain shirt and pants. Peeta and I walk down the track hand in hand, and I can't find anything to say now that we're alone. He stops to gather a bunch of wildflowers for me. When he presents them to me, I work hard to look pleased. Because he can't know that the pink-and-white flowers are the tops of wild onions and only remind me of the hours I've spent gathering them with Gale. Gale. The idea of seeing Gale in a matter of hours makes my stomach churn. But why? I can't quite frame it in my mind. I only know that I feel like I've been lying to someone who trusts me. Or more accurately, to two people. I've been getting away with it up to this point because of the Games. But there will be no Games to hind behind back home.  After Haymitch told them to just keep it up in the District, Peeta didn't understand and asked Katniss what he meant. as she explained that the berries made it seem rebellious. Peeta questioned, "So, what you're saying is, these last few days and then I guess...back in the arena...that was just some strategy you two worked out." Katniss tried to explain her self but just didn't know how to. Peeta walked back to the train as Katniss stood there thinking  He's not being fair to me. We were strangers. I also wanted to tell him how much I already miss him. 

Since at the end of the book the author kept including Gale in Katniss' thoughts, I think in the following book Catching Fire is when Katniss will have to face seeing Gale and everyone else in District 12. It's almost as if Katniss is torn between Peeta and Gale. Before the Games Gale was her hunting partner and helped her family out. Meanwhile during the Games Peeta saved her by holding Cato off so she could escape and gave her support though out the Games. I think it will be interesting to read Catching Fire and see how Katniss is effected by winning the Hunger Games and stuck with the reputation of being in love with Peeta. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Hunger Games 22 - 24

Discussion Option
Use these prompts to inspire your response:
  What does the author do an excellent job of? Why? What quotes demonstrate this? 
In chapters 22 - 24 Peeta's leg had improve tremendously and was able to walk on it now. Him and Katniss struggled to get food during the rain storms but eventually the rain let out and they were able to go hunt. While they traveled back to where Katniss and Rue camped out Peeta made a lot of noise, scaring away all the animals. Katniss decided to split up and go hunt while Peeta gathered some berries and other plants. When Katniss came back Peeta was gone. Immediently Katniss shouted his naming fearing that Cato had got him but instead he went by the river and picked some berries. Unknowingly they were poisonous and Foxface took some of them not knowing either. After see ate a few she died and the cannon fired a shot. Peeta assumed Cato had killed Foxface until Katniss explained to him that those berries were poisonous. Afterwards they now had a good supply of food and headed back to the cave. Towards the end of chapter 24 all the water in the ponds had dried up beside the lake. Peeta and Katniss needed water so they headed towards the lake. Once they got there, they walked around to make sure Cato wasn't there yet. Abruptly Cato came charging at the two of them but not to attack them. Behind him was multiple creatures that were unleashed upon the arena. 
In the Hunger Games I think the author does a great job at of getting readers to become avid and continue to read on. Multiple times Suzanne Collins has ended a chapter with a cliff hanger. At the end of chapter 24 the last paragraphs say,"Just in time, too, because Cato is upon us. I brace myself, but he rockets right between us with no attempt to check his speed. I can tell from his panting, the sweat pouring off his purplish face, that he's been running a long time. Not toward us. From something. But what? My eyes scan the woods just in time to see the first creature leap onto the plain. As I'm turning away, I see another half dozen join it. Then I am stumbling blindly after Cato with no thought of anything but to save myself." (Page 330) Again in chapter 21 on page 289,"My hands go to my head and I drop to my lap, slick with blood. The last thing I remember is an exquisitely beautiful green-and-silver moth landing on the curve of my wrist."

Personally I think she does a good job at making the Hunger Games interesting enough that you don't want to stop reading. Although some parts are extremely predictable overall it's fun to read. At the end of chapter 24 when Katniss just took off running I noticed that the author added in "with no other thought of anything but to save myself" that Katniss in a way forgot about Peeta and since his leg was injured, not being able to run away quick enough.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Hunger Games 19 - 21

Discussion Option
Use these prompts to inspire your response: W
hat do you think is going to happen to (character) in the future? Make predictions.
Since the new rule change Katniss and Peeta had teamed up. Peeta had been severely injured and was incapable to walk. Katniss nurtured him with medicine for his burns, stings and fever. Although Peeta leg was sliced by Cato, Katniss didn't have any treatment for it. On page 273 Claudius Templesmith had invited the remained 6 tributes to a feast. "Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you need something desperately." Katniss needed something to heal Peeta's leg. Soon Katniss arrived at the cornucopia at dawn. Foxface immediently grab her backpack and ran. The other tributes were surprised. Katniss knew she had to get her backpack next before her's was taken. As Katniss ran for her bag she got a knife thrown at her forehead and Clove slammed right into her, knocking her down. Quickly Thresh threw Clove off of Katniss and killed Clove. After Katniss explained she helped Rue he let her go. She ran back to the cave were Peeta was and feel asleep.

Now there were only 5 tributes left: Katniss, Peeta, Cato, Foxface and Thresh. District 12 was now the only district which could have both tributes win. With Peeta and Katniss on the same side there were only 3 other tributes. After Thresh ran off with Cato's districts backpack, I think that Cato will go after Thresh. Therefore  Thresh has two backpacks filled with the stuff he needs plus whatever Thresh needed. District 12 only had a tiny orange backpack. My hand slips between the straps and I yank it up on my arm, it's really too small to fit on any other part of my anatomy.. It was obviously to small to have a prolific amount of supplies and Foxface was already far gone. Since Katniss destroyed the career's food pyramid, that was what Cato and Clove needed desperately.

I think that Cato will chase after Thresh for supplies. Since Foxface is quick and think fast, she'll probably be there when Cato and Thresh fight each other and pick the other one of. Now Katniss had a new teammate and was able to get treatment for him. The capital crowd seemed like the were always in favor of seeing District 12 win. Every since there outfits on fire, being called the star-crossed lovers and the new rule change I think that Katniss and Peeta have a high chance of winning the Hunger Games.

Macro nutrients  
    Above is a graph about Abbey, Rahim, Natalie and my information. As you can see the blue bar represents Abbey's data, the red my data, gold Rahim's data and green Natalie's data. We all calculated the total calories, carbohydrates, fat and protein we had consumed in the past 24 hours. From breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks we calculated that in total we had ate 4170 calories, 382 carbohydrates, 136  fats and 131 proteins. We had eaten things from popcorn, sushi, orange chicken and cereal. From the information above we all consume more calories than anything else, and the least amount of proteins and fats. We made our graph using Google spreadsheet. You can view our different sheets on making the graph by clicking this link: Nutrient Graph. The total calories for Abbey was 945, me 1796 Rahim 402 and Natalie 1028. For carbohydrates Abbey 90, me 119, Rahim 62 and Natalie 111. The fats and proteins were significantly lower at 41, 25, 9 and 61 for fats and 27, 39 ,16 and 49 for proteins.

   On average we should be consuming 2,000 calories a day. The more calories you eat in the morning allow you to have more energy. If you have a large dinner usually you don't go and get active, you'll usually just lie down and watch TV hence why you gain weight. So in theory if you have a light, filling dinner such as salad then you won't have to worry. Carbohydrates are a biological compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that is an important source of food and energy. If you eat 2000 calories a day you should take in about 250 grams of carbohydrates. As you can see in the data above we only have 90, 119, 62 and 111 grams of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are in rice, tacos, potato chips, pizza, cakes, and any foods containing corn syrup. The rest of the foods we eat are carbohydrates fruits, vegetables, grains and most plant foods. The four of us should be taking in about twice the amount of carbohydrates that we do now. The USDA suggests that about 30 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake should come from fat and about 15 to 20 percent from protein. For a 2000 calorie per day diet, that equals 67 grams fat and 75 grams protein per day. Obviously we aren't absorbing enough fats with only 41, 25, 9 and 61 grams of fats. As well as proteins we only have 27, 39,16 and 49 grams. Sources of protein are in meats, seafood, eggs, nuts and dairy products. Overall Rahim should probably make the most change out of the four of us and eat more. As long as you balance your nutritional values and exercise you can abstain a healthy weight. 
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

24 Hour Diet

For science we calculated the total calories, carbohydrates, fat and protein of what we ate in the past 24 hours.

Here is a link to my spreadsheet that shows my diet for 24 hours.
Here is a summary of my nutrition information
Total Calories: 1796
Carbohydrates: 119g
Fat: 25g
Protein: 39g
1. How does your total calories compare to the recommended 2000 calories per day? (Hint: Divide the number of calories you ate over 24 hours by 2000 and multiply by 100. This number is the % of total calories.)  
  Answer: I consume 89% of the recommended calories.

2. What time of day do you eat most of your calories - morning, afternoon or evening? 

Answer: Usually in the afternoon but in the past 24 hours I had more in the evening. 

3. What does your answer to question #2 imply about your long term health? (For example, if I eat all of my calories at night then I may gain weight because my body will turned unused calories into fat.)
Answer: Well since I have braces and got them tightened I could only eat soft food and that's why I had more calories from the night before than from breakfast or lunch. But usually I have more in the afternoon so therefore I may not gain as much weight as I would if I had more calories in the evening. 

4. Describe how many minutes you exercise per day and what activities you engage in on a regular basis. (Example: I ride my bike 42 miles to work each day this takes approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes and walk approximately 4 miles per day)

Answer:  Sometimes I'll just throw a football or frisbee for about 45 - 60 minutes or just play dodge ball or walk occasionally for 30 minutes.  

5. Use the internet to find out how many calories you burn doing the activities you listed in #4. Considering that the average person burns about 2000 calories per day without doing any extra exercise, how many total calories do you think you burn each day? (Hint: Use a website like this -

Answer: By playing general Frisbee you can burn 177 calories, flag/ touch football 472, playing catch 148, 97 walking. Total in a day I probably burn roughly about 2,834 on average. 

6. What is the most important thing that you can change about your diet or lifestyle to improve your long term health?

Answer: I could start by eating more fruits for breakfast in the morning so I have more energy during the day.