Monday, May 21, 2012

Idyllwild Fauna

Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
Picture from:
2. Is it diurnal or nocturnal?
Gray Foxes are nocturnal creatures. They are most active at night, feeding and moving from place to place. When pressured it will climb a tree or emit an odor from its anal glands. The gray fox will also climb a tree to sun itself. It has a distinctive bark that is usually repeated four or five times in a row. It will also squeal or growl. 

3. How do you identify it?
The gray fox's coat is coat color is a salt and pepper gray. A black stripe runs from the base of the tail and ends in a black tip. Another black stripe crosses its face from the nose to the eye and then to the side of the head. Like the red fox its cheek and throat area are white and this color extends on the gray fox to the lower jaw. There is a reddish patch on the side of its head below its ear. Its belly is white and a reddish band separates it from the gray sides. The legs and back of the ears are an orange color while the feet are gray. 

4. What does it eat?
Gray Foxes typically eats: Rats, mice, rabbits, fruits, acorns, birds, other small mammals, eggs and insects.

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